The Lord be with you. R: and with your spirit

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Eucharistic Revival in the Catholic Church:

Weekly Bulletin Articles

The Catholic Church in the United States has been on a 3-year process of Eucharistic Revival, and we are now in the 2nd year and focusing on revival at the parish level (see this website for more,  In addition to trying our best to celebrate every single Mass reverently, attentively, and prayerfully, one effort we will be making is to write a small bulletin article every week for a year in order to help all people understand the Catholic Mass more fully.  Not only can this help us understand how each prayer and symbol and movement has deep meaning and symbolism, but all the prayers, symbols, and movements should also lead us into the reality of Christ’s love on the Cross and His grace poured out from the Resurrection and how we can encounter Him present to us today throughout the entirety of the Mass!  Please consider reading along each week with these bulletin articles to help you better understand the history, meaning, beauty, and reality of what we celebrate every weekend as Catholics. This can help us to have a Eucharistic Revival at our parish, and to know, love, and serve Christ more fully every time we attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass here at OLV.